Stuff I ate 6/24/2011

So I want to lose weight.  I’m not really trying so much right now though since I’ve been all stressed out and whatnot with moving and losing my job.  But I’m going to get in the habit of sharing what stuff I put in my face hole so here goes.  Here’s what I ate today:

Breakfast:  anxiety
Lunch:  2 cosmopolitans, a bacon cheeseburger, a couple french fries.
Snack:  Venti Lemonade Iced Tea from the Starbs.
Dinner:  Bacon Mushroom burger, fries and Hi-C from Wendy’s.

Aaaaand I ate two bacon cheeseburgers today.  Fatty go home.

2 Responses to “Stuff I ate 6/24/2011”

  1. shiggity

    That’s impressive. I’m still on the quest to get under 200 before my 30th birthday in December. So far so good. But yeah. I’m only like five days in.

    Also. I kinda love your site. Did you change it recently? I usually read your blog through Google Reader.

  2. Nadine

    Yes! I did change the look of my blog! I like it for now, I’m glad someone noticed šŸ™‚

    I basically ate the same food twice yesterday and didn’t even care.


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