Not Disappeared

Many apologies for the blogging hiatus, but I figured making multiple posts of “oh my god I’m so tired/have so much work to do/still on a diet” would be bland.  My brain has been overloaded by all the new things I’ve been learning at my fabulous job that I didn’t have time or energy for other thoughts.

And in a related story, I’d been so stressed out that I was literally getting my period every two weeks since December.  GOOD STORY, RIGHT?  It made me fight and cry a lot.  Worst fight club ever.

From now on, this will be my primary blogging outlet as I have discontinued use of my Live Joural.  I’d been blogging there, privately for friends-only, for 10 years.  Ten years is a long time!  I’ve been on the internet blogging for 10 years.  I didn’t “delete” my whole journal so that I can go back and still read past entries if I wanted, but the whole thing just became too tainted for me.  The friends I had on there stopped commenting on my posts, I stopped commenting on theirs and I stopped liking a lot of them.  It’s hard to say… I like them, but I’m very opinionated, so when people complain, it’s hard for me to read all their bullshit and not put my two cents in, and my two cents aren’t always what people want to hear.  As much as people say they appreciate my candid opinions and honesty, I am pretty sure that when I really do “tell it like it is” it leaves some people with a bad impression of me as a bitch.

I’m a little bitchy, I just can’t deal with some people’s juvenile whining and inability to face life head-on.

One Response to “Not Disappeared”

  1. Kizzy

    I rather see you being ‘a little bitch’ than you being fake. I h.a.t.e. people who are fake!


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