It’s been a rough time at work lately. It’s been killing any semblance of a social life I might have, so like any sane adult, I hit up my local boozery after work and got a bottle of wine. (Trying a new one, Cupcake Reisling. I’ll let ya know how it goes.) I keep forgetting that I now live in a college town, and was so amused that they have a big jar at the register full of ping pong balls for $0.99. Oh, if only I was 20 again. I used to rock the hell out of beer pong.
In September, I stopped at a party my younger brother was having. All his wankster friends were listening to loud rap music and playing beer pong. They remembered the days of yore when I taught them how to play and then subsequently whooped all their asses at the drinking game of champions. A young lad asked me to play with them, but I politely declined. I’m trying to be a grown-up over here… says the woman who brought home a bottle of wine in a Hello Kitty tote bag.