How To Eat

Figure A:  The correct way to eat a Polly-O String Cheese:

Peel strips off vertically.

Figure B:  One of the most incorrect ways to eat string cheese.

Eat like an ear of corn on the cob.

Today while having a snack, I remembered this gem.  One day in the lunch room at work a few years ago, I was eating string cheese and being silly.  I started eating it like a piece of corn on the cob.  My co-worker Karen was so disgusted by this that she begged me to stop and she was dry-heaving.  She likes cheese otherwise, just the imagery of corn-cheese grossed her out?  I don’t know, but I laughed my ass off.

4 Responses to “How To Eat”

  1. Kizzy

    What’s this Polly-O String Cheese? I need to try it! #alien

  2. Nadine

    you never had string-cheese? It’s a stick of mozzarella cheese and you tear off pieces of it like strings… Welcome to America 🙂

  3. Anonymous

    J says:
    this is pretty great. Shame it was cow cheese. Sore udders bring mama cow to tears 🙁

  4. Kizzy

    Nope! In Holland we have fresh cheese.

    Booya! 😉


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