Using Rafflecopter I drew a winner for my giveaway! It was my first time using this website’s service and I was very impressed at how easy it was.
Congrats to Kizzy! One of my best good internet friends 🙂
If you don’t know by now, Kizzy is an awesome person who runs a sleek and relatable beauty blog, She has great make-up tips, recommendations, giveaways, and sometime she even puts up pics of her adorable son. I’ve benefitted from her blog in that I found a face cleanser that actually works (got it free from one of her giveaways and have been loving Coral Actives ever since), and I learned how to get my eye shadow to stay put all day…. (read about eye shadow primer here). I’m basically a clueless toddler when it comes to putting on makeup. If I have a good eyeliner day, you better believe I snapchat, instagram and text that selfie to anyone I’ve seen in the past 10 years.
Kizzy and I have been online-buddies for a few years. We became twitter friends through the shared interest of our favorite podcast Keith and the Girl. KATG recently launched their app for iPhones in the app store so make sure you download it – It’s so streamlined and easy to get to all your favorite features of their show. My favorite part of the app is that it sends me a little alert to let me know the show is starting! Keith and the Girl just celebrated their 9th year of podcasting. I’ve been listening since the wayback, and though it may sound corny, this show has been a huge part of my life. I’ve listened to Keith and Chemda through the good times and the bad. They’ve made me feel better when I was going through my divorce. When I’d found out that they were going through their own breakup as I was going through my divorce, it made me feel so much better, to know that I wasn’t alone in my hard time. I’ve been introduced to some awesome comedians that I wouldn’t have otherwise heard of and now follow their career successes like a proud mama bear.
So basically Kizzy should be thanking Keith and Chemda for the personal hand-crocheted item I’m going to start making for her is what I’m trying to tell you.
(Also if you’re reading this and going to KATG week, I’m probably going to the 4/18 show if you’re gonna be there!)
Click Here to subscribe to Keith and the Girl in iTunes