It seems like I will go through phases where I will be all proud of how I can consistently blog for a week, and then I’ll be silent for two months and apologize and swear I’ll write more, but come on. I guess we’re done with apologies now. It’s a horrible guilt cycle, a week will go by, I’ll feel bad, two weeks, feel even worse. Then a month and I think “wow, no one even asked where I disappeared to?”
Here’s the deal though. I got an iPhone and now it’s my life and I don’t need any of you fuckers any longer unless you play Words With Friends. If you do, my username is Shoebootie and we can have a beautiful relationship together.
Why haven’t I blogged much lately though? It’s simple… I’m busy. And crazy. It’s not just writing in here though that I’ve been bad at – I don’t even keep up with my “real” friends much either lately. Jaclyn is the only one who I keep up with on a regular basis, but that’s because we work together and I have to see her ass every damn day. If I skip lunch, she comes looking for me.
Things also started getting a little too real up in here too, writing about where I lived and whatnot. I’d gotten as far as writing my 3rd installment of my “Home” series when I decided I couldn’t post it. It’s too serious and emotional and even just reliving those memories, writing them again, brought me to a sad place. I have issues 🙁
Not trying to get too “real” over here, but dealing with those issues (I’m divorced, I got a dead dad, an alcoholic mom, weight issues and a slew of other shit… let’s just say “I have a demon inside me” and leave it at that for now), I admitted that I needed help and I am on anti-depressants and anti-anxiety medication. It’s helping. It’s lifting the fog where I can kind of see that I’m not a waste of a person and I should try to be more awesome. BTW Xanax = super great unicorn glitter sex in a pill.
So with all that in mind, I’ll wrap up my series on where I lived by saying this: In the last 10 years, I’ve lived in 8 or 9 places and I’m moving again next month. My boyfriend and I are moving out of our very nice apartment to an even nicer one. What can I say, my twenties have been a very nomadic time. This by far has been my favorite place I’ve lived. It’s very nice here. I can’t wait to make our new home feel like a home.